PSHE education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. Through teaching this subject, we aim to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking in the context of three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education).

Statutory SRE Education 

From September 2020, it is statutory for all primary schools to deliver Relationships and Health Education, from which there is no right of withdrawal by parents/carers. Please see at the bottom of this page the link to the PSHE curriculum, within which Relationships and Health education is taught.

Additional Sex education and right of withdrawal

Burton Green Primary has additionally chosen to deliver Sex Education, beyond the statutory relationships education and National Curriculum for Science, as recommended by the Department for Education. This is delivered at an appropriate level to pupil physical, emotional and sexual development and taking into account SEND and religious backgrounds of pupils, as appropriate. 

In July 2023, we were proud to receive accreditation for our completion of BigTalk Education’s parent, staff and pupil’s relationship and sex education programme. A specialist team of facilitators worked with our pupils, parents and school staff on the Growing up safe: a whole school approach programme which is designed to keep children safe, healthy and happy.

If you wish to view the sex and relationships curriculum including what content is taught at what point in the year, please see the PSHE curriculum document below, within which this is taught. If you wish to view any resources we use in PSHE, including RSE resources, please contact the headteacher and this can be shared via e mail or face to face as appropriate.

Right of Withdrawal from Sex Education

Parents/Carers have the right to request to withdraw their child from all or part of the additional non-statutory Sex Education curriculum. 

The headteacher will automatically grant a parent/carer’s request to withdraw their child from Sex Education, other than the content that must be taught as part of the Science curriculum; however, the headteacher will discuss the request with the parent and, if appropriate, their child, to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The headteacher will discuss with the parent the benefits of receiving this important education and any adverse effects that withdrawal may have on the pupil – this could include, for example, social and emotional effects of being excluded. The headteacher will keep a record of the discussion between themselves, the pupil and the parent. The parent will be informed in writing of the headteacher’s decision. Where a pupil is withdrawn from sex education, the headteacher will ensure that the pupil receives appropriate alternative education. 

Link: Parent / Carer Survey