Burton Green Primary School is a welcoming and friendly place where learning is at the heart of everything we do. We are lucky to be on the edge of Clifton in York, with the nature park that surrounds us giving the feel of the countryside in the city. We have 2 year old provision on site, a school nursery for 3-4 year olds and classes from Reception to Year 6. We are part of the Hope Sentamu Learning Trust, which means we have high ambition, and access to wider opportunities for our children.
Children achieve their best when parents/carers and school work in partnership. We will keep you informed about school activities and welcome your involvement. Staff are always happy to talk with you about child and their learning. We have a Pastoral Lead to support all aspects of school and family life. We ask that you support your child with homework, with attending school regularly and helping us celebrate your child’s successes.
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