At School
At Burton Green Primary School, we believe that navigating the internet and technology are essential life skills. ICT is embedded in our curriculum to allow our pupils to thrive in today’s ever-progressing technological world. Although we encourage children to learn through exploring and investigating the internet, they are taught to understand how they can use it positively and safely. Online safety is at the heart of our curriculum and is an integral part of ensuring that our pupils know how to stay safe and protect themselves and others online. They are regularly taught how to respond to and manage any inappropriate material that can upset them or put them in any danger.
At Home
As a parent, you will know how important the internet is to children – they use it to learn, play and socialise. The technology that children use every day can seem a bit daunting and you might worry about the risks your child can face online – such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content. If at any point you are concerned about your child online, please do not hesitate to ask the school for support. In addition to this, please see below for a list of useful resources that may help you protect your child when they are online:
What can I do to protect my child?
It’s worth being aware that no parental controls or filtering options are 100% fool proof.
PCSO Oli and Sergeant Dan talking to us about how to keep safe online
Useful links for children
Useful links for parents/carers